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Who has ever felt like a misfit?  Maybe at a networking event or in your current team?  Or with a client or in front of an audience?  We've all been there (and the good news is we've all also been in situations where we do fit in!).  Those situations are when you are excited to see your team; when you are delighted to receive an incoming call from a colleague or partner; or when you look forward to that next meeting with your client.  When there is a misfit situation, it can be miserable -- you feel anxiety, you might get short with family or friends, or you might suffer lower professional engagement, which impacts productivity or other results.

The Performance Excellence Network is pleased to host an online webinar discussion on Thursday, July 9: “Misfit: Solutions for When Colleagues, Clients, or Situations Don't Fit.”  The discussion will be facilitated by Dr. Rachel MK Headley, CEO of The Rose Group based in the Black Hills.

When there is a misfit between people, there are often three main culprits: chaos tolerance, need for team, and transition speed.  If a team clusters in Chaos Resistance, then leadership would immediately have a set of strategies to move their team through changes or address team issues or opportunities. If a team's data is spread across all sectors, then the team challenges will be vastly different and require an alternate set of strategies.  Neither team is better or worse, but if you don't have the data, then leadership can easily make missteps just from the lack of knowledge.

Rachel will share how leaders and teams can assess their situation, adjust procedures and processes to ensure improved communication, alignment, engagement, and energy, and refine as needed.  Tactically, individuals can use the information and tools with every client and colleague to reduce friction, to make situations less awkward, to decrease the time spent on solving people problems, and increase engagement and empowerment across the organization.

Today -- as work environments, circumstances, and team dynamics continue to change rapidly -- it's important to create environments where there is good "fit."  Come explore how to improve your team's "fit" -- after all, better alignment produces better results.

The discussion will be a live Zoom Webinar Thursday, July 9 from 8:00-9:00 CT.  Grab your coffee and breakfast, and join us for a rich discussion.  Free for PEN members; $20 for non-members.

July 9th, 2020 8:00 AM   through   9:00 AM
Online -- Interactive Video
United States
Event Fee(s)
Member Event Fee $ 0.00
Non Member Event Fee $ 20.00

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