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People with positive energy are simply more productive! So why does something we all want – trust, cohesiveness, positive energy at work – seem to slip through our fingers?  This discussion answers that question.

The Performance Excellence Network – in partnership with the Wisconsin Center for Performance Excellence and the Iowa Quality Center – is pleased to host an online webinar discussion on Thursday, February 22: “Creating Positive Energy at Work.”  The discussion will be facilitated by Kalli Matsuhashi, Executive Confidante & Thera Rising International Associate.

Kalli will introduce the three cultures at work and what we can expect from each. She will explore one of the key barriers to positive energy: our individual and collective responses to frustration. How we respond to the various disappointments, disagreements, and affronts at work and at home shapes our behavior, our daily experiences, and our reputations. When the collective response is blame, watch out – you’ll have negative outcomes! But when we shift that response, we become more productive and able to actually solve the problems and challenges in front of us.

Discussion learning objectives:

  1. Attendees will be able to identify and briefly describe the three cultures at work: negative energy, indifferent (lack of energy), and positive energy.
  2. Attendees will be able to name three of the contributing factors to the loss of trust, cohesiveness, and positive energy at work.
  3. Participants will explore the three responses to frustration and identify the one that contributes most effectively to positive energy at work.

This session is Thursday, February 22 from 8:00-9:00 CT (optional networking and mingling 7:45-8:00) using Zoom MEETING. Grab your coffee and breakfast, and join us for a rich discussion. Free for PEN/WCPE/IQC members; $20 for non-members.

Can’t make it live but interested in the content? Register anyway: all registered attendees get a link to the recording after the session.

February 22nd, 2024 7:45 AM   through   9:00 AM
Online -- Interactive Webinar
United States
Event Fee(s)
Member Event Fee -- Online $ 0.00
Non Member Event Fee -- Online $ 20.00

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